Academic Literature

Grads in Canada – The impact of further studies

By field of study, the largest difference in the employment rate for university degree-holders who completed further studies compared with those who did not was 8.2 percentage points for those who first studied physical and life sciences and technologies (78.1% versus 69.9%). The second-largest difference was 6.7 percentage points for people who had a university degree in social and behavioural sciences and law and who completed further studies (81.3%) compared with those who did not (74.6%).

In terms of wages, 70% of employees with university degrees who completed another postsecondary program earned $800 or more per week, compared with 67% for those who did not.

The largest difference in weekly wages was found for employees whose highest degree was in visual and performing arts and communications technologies, with 65% of those who completed another program earning $800 or more per week, compared with 49% for those who did not. This difference is partly explained by occupational differences: people who completed further studies were more likely to be teachers and less likely to be in sales and service or art, culture, recreation and sport occupations.

For employees whose highest degree was in mathematics, computer and information sciences, the opposite effect was noted, as the proportion who earned $800 or more per week was actually lower among people who completed another program (71%) than among those who did not (82%). This difference is partly explained by occupational differences: people with a math or computer science degree who completed further studies were less likely to be in occupations in natural and applied sciences, and more likely to be in sales and service as well as in art, culture, recreation and sport occupations.

Chart 1 – Employment rate of people with a university degree, by major field of study of highest education credential and further postsecondary education, March 2014

Capture d’écran 2015-09-19 à 08.40.59

Chosen excerpts by Job Market Monitor. Read the whole story at The Daily — Further postsecondary education and labour market outcomes, March 2014


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